The Quarantined Quiz
Photo: Free-Photos via Pixabay
Do you know everything about confined characters? Prove it with this quiz!
How old is Rapunzel when she leaves the tower for the first time?
In The Lord of the Rings, where is located the hall where the Dwarves were besieged?
A bit of general culture, who wrote the Allegory of the Cave?
In The Mist by Stephen King, where are the protagonists stucked?
How are called the boys in The Maze?
In Vampire Diairies, where are the Mystic Fall's vampire locked?
What is the particularity of the Hotel Cortez in American Horror Story?
Who are the first villains' kids to leave the Island of the Lost in Descendants?
In The Simpsons Movie, which animal (who will cause the apparition of the glass dome over Springfield) is adopted by Homer?
Which mythical creature is keeping princess Fiona's tower in Shrek?
The Quarantined Quiz
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Wow, a true quarantine expert!
Being cut off the world seems to be something not that bad for you.
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Published on 1 December 2020
Last update : 1 October 2021
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