One Tree Hill: The cast talks about the show’s sequel at a convention in Paris

One Tree Hill: The cast talks about the show's sequel at a convention in Paris

Photo: Roster Con

In 2012, One Tree Hill fans said goodbye to the characters who had accompanied them every week for 9 seasons. Twelve years later, they could be reunited with some of them on Netflix, as the streaming platform is working on a sequel, as confirmed by Sophia Bush and Hilarie Burton on their social media accounts. But what does the cast of the original series think? Some of the actors spoke on the subject at the Tree Hill is Your Home convention, which took place in Paris on September 28 and 29, 2024.

What should the One Tree Hill sequel be about?

According to U.S. media reports, the One Tree Hill sequel will take place 20 years later and will follow Brooke (Sophia Bush) and Peyton (Hilarie Burton) as they become mothers to teenagers who face similar challenges to those they faced when they were younger.

Will any members of the original cast return?

Sophia Bush and Hilarie Burton may be attached to the project, but are other members of the original cast? Guests at the Tree Hill is Your Home convention confirmed that, as far as they’re concerned, that’s not currently the case. Paul Johansson mentioned that he doesn’t think “it’s far enough along in the process to really weigh in on who is going to be involved or not. My understanding is that some of the cast is trying to put together a new concept. We all support whatever they come up with.” Robert Buckley then joked about the fact that only one would not be invited because of “his extraordinary problematic divo behavior.” And then he added : “I’m looking at you Tyler Hilton which made the whole room laugh.

At the question ‘if you were asked to be involved would you say yes’, Tyler Hilton (Chris Keller), Barbara Alyn Woods (Deb Scott), Robert Buckley (Clay Evans), Craig Sheffer (Keith Scott), Ashley Rickards (Samantha Walker), Stephen Colletti (Chase Adams) and Kate Voegele (Mia Catalano) sais yes right away. Paul Johansson started his answer with a “Well, I’m dead” and then he added “I would support the show in any way they would want me to, even if it was to direct. But only if James (Lafferty) would direct too.” James Lafferty didn’t answer and Austin Nichols asked the fans if they would watch it and finished with a “let’s go”.

Although the actor who played Nathan Scott did not talk about the future of the show at the Tree Hill is Your Home convention, he did raise the question with Variety a few days earlier. James Lafferty said: “Personally, I’m blown away by the fans that make a conversation like this even possible. Professionally, I’m completely focused on finding ‘Everyone is Doing Great’ Season 2 the right home. Until then, consider me grateful for this moment and cheering everyone on!”

Bethany Joy Lenz, also interviewed by the American media, confided that she is “open to being a part of a revisiting to Tree Hill,” but added, “as far as this particular one, I don’t know. It’s so early. I don’t know if it’s in pilot, I don’t know if it’s in series. I don’t know where it’s at.”

Published on 2 October 2024
Last update : 2 October 2024

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