For five seasons, Katie Otto and her family have made us laugh every week on American Housewife. But how much do you know about the ABC series? If you’re a true fan, this quiz is a cinch!
What city is American Housewife set in?
Who is Katie's enemy?
Which philosopher is Greg Otto writing a book about?
What is Oliver's obsession?
What animal does the Otto family adopt in the early seasons?
What is the name of Greg's brother?
Which school does Taylor want to attend?
What is the name of Oliver's best friend?
What is Katie's dish that allows her to start her business?
Who played Anna-Kat in the first four seasons of American Housewife?
Quiz: How well do you know American Housewife?
American Housewife, you don't know this TV show
You have never heard of this series or have heard very little about it. It's time for you to make up for that mistake and start watching.
It's a good start
You've only been watching American Housewife with one eye open, but there's still time to improve to a 10/10.
You are almost a member of the Otto family.
You've seen the episodes of American Housewife, but you missed a few details. That's okay, a little review will get you the perfect score next time.
Katie and her family have no secrets for you.
You lived with the Otto family in Westport and know everything about them. Well done!