Stranger Things: The stars of the series together in Europe in 2025 for the Stranger Fan Meet 8 Tour

Stranger Things: The stars of the series together in Europe in 2025 for the Stranger Fan Meet 8 Tour

Photo: Netflix

At the beginning of 2025, People Convention will be hosting the Stranger Fan Meet 8 in three European countries, and will be able to count on the presence of several stars from the series. We tell you all about it.

Barcelona, Antwerp and Paris. These are the three cities chosen by People Convention to welcome members of the Stranger Things cast for Stranger Fan Meet 8 – The Tour. These are events that fans of the show won’t want to miss, as the main cast have accepted the organisation’s invitation.

After confirming that Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven) would be coming to Antwerp and Barcelona, People Convention has revealed that Caleb Mclauglin (Lucas), Finn Wolfhard (Mike), Gaten Matarazzo (Dustin), Noah Schnapp (Will) and Raphael Luce (young Henry Creel) will also be attending Stranger Fan Meet 8 – The Tour.

While Raphael Luce, Gaten Matarazzo and Caleb McLaughlin will be attending events in Antwerp, Barcelona and Paris, Finn Wolfhard and Noah Schnapp will only be attending the convention in the French capital. Below is the guest list for each of the SFM8 events:

At these events, the stars of Stranger Things will be doing panels, solo, duo and group photoshoots, selfies and meetings. These activities are available for purchase if you have a Stranger Fan Meet 8 pass.

How much are tickets for Stranger Fan Meet 8?

People Convention is selling four different types of pass to attend Stranger Fan Meet 8 in Barcelona and Antwerp, and three types of pass for the Paris event. Here are the descriptions and prices of these passes:

  • General Access Pass (€69 – Antwerp and Barcelona): Access to the event, Panel room and animations NOT INCLUDED, No priority passage for extras on the day of the event, Photoshoots, autographs and other extras can be purchased at an additional cost (while stocks last), Access to merchandising stands
  • Prime Bronze Pass (€109 – Antwerp and Barcelona / €79 – Paris): Access to the event, Access to panels with reserved seating (behind “Pass Prime Silver”), No priority passage for extras on the day of the event, Photoshoots, autographs and other extras can be purchased at an additional cost (while stocks last), Access to merchandising stands
  • Prime Silver Pass (€129 – Antwerp and Barcelona / €109 – Paris): Access to the event, Access to panels with reserved seating (behind “Pass Prime Gold”), Priority passage for extras on the day of the event (behind “Pass Prime Gold”), Photoshoots, autographs and other extras can be purchased at an additional cost (while stocks last), Access to merchandising stands
  • Prime Gold Pass (€169 – Antwerp and Barcelona / €129 – Paris): Access to the event, Access to panels with reserved seating in the front rows, Priority passage for extras on the day of the event, Photoshoots, autographs and other extras can be purchased at an additional cost (while stocks last), Access to merchandising stands.

>> Buy a ticket for Stranger Fan Meet 8 – Barcelona
>> Buy a ticket for the Stranger Fan Meet 8 – Antwerp
>> Buy a ticket for the Stranger Fan Meet 8 – Paris

Published on 23 November 2024
Last update : 23 November 2024

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